We want a President, not a religious leader Rev. Dr. Lawrence Tetteh Fires

In a recent public address, Reverend Dr. Lawrence Tetteh, a prominent religious figure, made a bold statement, asserting that the public’s priority should be electing a president, not a religious leader. Dr. Tetteh, known for his influential role in spiritual matters, urged citizens to focus on leadership qualities beyond religious affiliations. “Let us prioritize electing […]

Oppong Nkrumah, Ghana’s Information Minister, Advocates Beyond IMF Transaction for Economic Stability”

  In a recent address, Ghana’s Information Minister, Oppong Nkrumah, articulated a nuanced perspective on the role of IMF transactions in addressing the nation’s economic challenges. While acknowledging the potential benefits of international financial assistance, Nkrumah stressed that relying solely on such transactions is not a comprehensive solution to the complex issues facing the country. […]