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**Citizens Losing Faith in Judicial Services Due to Government Interference, and it’s dangerous to our democracy Hon. Seth Ankrah Affirms **


In a striking statement that has captured national attention, Hon. Seth Ankrah has alleged that government interference in the judicial system is eroding public trust and posing a severe threat to the nation’s democracy. Addressing a gathering in the capital, Ankrah expressed deep concerns over the increasing perception that judicial decisions are being swayed by political influences rather than being based on impartial justice.

“Citizens don’t trust our judicial services again due to government interferences,” Ankrah stated unequivocally. “This is dangerous to our democracy.” His comments come amid growing public discontent and a series of controversial rulings that many believe are influenced by political agendas.

Ankrah highlighted several recent cases where judicial outcomes appeared to align suspiciously with the interests of powerful political figures, undermining the judiciary’s independence. He warned that continued meddling by the government could have catastrophic consequences for the rule of law and democratic governance in the country.

Legal experts and civil society groups have echoed Ankrah’s concerns, calling for immediate reforms to safeguard judicial independence. “When the judiciary is compromised, it’s not just justice that is at stake, but the very fabric of our democracy,” said Dr. Emma Mensah, a constitutional law expert. “The public must have confidence that the courts are fair and impartial, free from undue influence.”

The allegations have sparked a heated debate among politicians, with some defending the integrity of the judiciary and dismissing Ankrah’s claims as unfounded. However, the mounting evidence of political interference is hard to ignore. Transparency International’s recent report also underscored a significant decline in public trust in judicial institutions, citing political manipulation as a key factor.

In response to the growing outcry, several opposition parties are calling for an independent investigation into the allegations and pushing for legislative measures to fortify judicial independence. They argue that restoring faith in the judiciary is crucial for maintaining democratic stability and ensuring that all citizens receive fair and impartial justice.

The government has yet to issue an official response to Ankrah’s allegations. However, the pressure is mounting for concrete actions to address these concerns. As the debate intensifies, it remains to be seen how the government will respond to these serious accusations and what steps will be taken to restore public confidence in the judicial system.

Hon. Seth Ankrah’s remarks have undoubtedly struck a chord with many citizens who feel disillusioned with the current state of judicial affairs. His call to action serves as a poignant reminder of the essential role an independent judiciary plays in upholding democracy and the rule of law.

Story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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