best and quality

Summery of Parliamentary oversight conducted by Hon Ablakwa that have saved the country a million dollars








01 Exposed and scuttled the inflated US$12.2 million Oslo

Chancery purchase.

02 Exposed the Frontiers COVID-19 illegal Airport Testing Scheme — Agitations led to reduced charges and government eventually stopping the dubious testing deal

— prosecutions are however outstanding.

03 Exposed President Akufo-Addo’s $20,000 an hour oligarchic luxury chartered jet travels after refusing to use Ghana’s Presidential Jet – President Akufo-Addo subsequently succumbed to pressure and is now using Ghana’s

Presidential Jet – Ghana has been saved hundreds of millions of dollars despite the initial wastage on his profligate sky baths.

04 Stopping the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia e-Transaction Levy

Services dubious Revenue Assurances deal – the 2022

Budget allocation of GHS241.9 million was eventually cancelled.

05 Exposed the reckless demolition of the Bulgarian Embassy and a clandestine attempt by an Akufo-Addo appointee at

NDPC to brazenly grab the land. This led to the establishment of a Commission of Enquiry.

06 Exposed the Apex Pollution Judgement Debt Scam

— Saved Ghana US$88.2 million.

07 Exposed the Ministry of Communications (MoC) and Ascend Digital Solutions US$48 million sweetheart deal which the World Bank is currently investigating following my formal petition.


Exposed the scandalous MoC GHS290 million Smart

Workplace Contract without PPA approval.


09 Investigated the West Blue Kitchen Scandal involving Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko — Saved Chana GHS187.3 million. 刃介

10 Discovered the hidden true cost of the sleazy US$222.8

million BoG Head Office Building & the shady GHS400 million land acquisition currently under fierce litigation.

11 Exposed the outrageous GHS191 million profligate expenditure at the presidency for items such as car tyres, batteries, cabinet retreats, telecoms and office furniture.
12 Exposed & scuttled a grand land looting scheme at the Chana Airport Company Limited to a scam company with a fake address known as Heaven Builders Limited.
13 Revealed ECOWAS’ US$200,000 support for VRA’s Akosombo spillage victims which the government has concealed.
14 Exposed the scandalous US$8.5million Black Stars AFCON

Budget not approved by Parliament which government refused to disclose to Parliament and the Ghanaian public.

15 Exposed government’s over expenditure beyond

Parliamentary approval of GHS602 million on hosting the 13th Africa Games.

16 Published intercepted memos on GNPC’s 150% increase in allowances which happened at a time government had announced austerity measures. GNPC boss was eventually



Discovered a staggering GHS2.6 billion opaque and duplicative digitalization deals in Ghana’s health sector.

18 Exposed the Boankra-Transport Minister-Justmoh create, loot and share scheme, and the looming US$3.6 billion judgement debt.
19 Exposed the GHS166.7 million opaque and inflated single-source procurement deals of Resources Access Limited belonging to the Vice President’s brother, Abraham Bawumia
20 Intercepted and published confidential retrospective contract extension letters from the presidency which were intended to offer legitimacy to the GRA boss, Rev. Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah after he was indicted in the SML scandal.
21 Published series of exposés and led parliamentary oversight using all parliamentary tools including questions, motions and statements on President Akufo-Addo’s unprecedented

US$450 million cathedral scandal.

22 Revealed how US$58.1 million was spent on constructing the world’s most expensive pit.
23 Exposed the shocking double identity and conflict of interest conduct of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the National Cathedral, Rev. Victor Kusi Boateng/Kwabena Adu Gyamfi.
24 Put out explosive details on how Rev. Victor Kusi Boateng was issued a Diplomatic Passport in his distinct Kwabena Adu Cyamfi identity.

25 Exposed the secret US operations of the National Cathedral cabal including fake office addresses, refusal to file tax returns and undisclosed donations.
26 Exposed how Cary Summers was gifted US$6million by the National Cathedral Secretariat and how I successfully tracked him to his hideout.
27 Exposed the blatant disregard for Ghana’s procurement laws at all stages of the National Cathedral project.



28 Exposed the unconscionable levels of inflationary pricing and total rip-off charges by David Adjaye, President Akufo-Addo’s handpicked architect.
29 Investigated and published the full list of demolished buildings to pave way for the construction of the National Cathedral. The list includes: bungalows for judges, Judicial Training Institute, Scholarship Secretariat, Passport Head Office, CHRAJ bungalows, Malian Ambassador’s residence, Comsys Headquarters, Waterstone Realty Apartment Complex & ECG Substations.
30 National Cathedral exposés led to the resignations of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Rev. Eastwood Anaba and Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams.
31 Exposed the scandalous SSNIT hotel sales to Hon. Bryan Acheampong, Ghana’s Minister for Food and Agriculture.

Documents in support



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