*HIVE held a mega conference at Great Hall, setting KNUST on fire.*

  Following over two years of offering free portable water to rural communities, free health screenings, and assistance with teaching and learning materials to underprivileged but needy students, HIVE Ghana held a conference on March 9 at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology’s Great Hall. The event attracted a sizable number of KNUST students […]

Social responsibility : Hive Ghana provides pure water to the community of Asamankama

  On November 30, 2023, the people of Asamanka in the Offinso Municipality of Ashanti region came together to celebrate the commissioning of Hive’s twelfth water borehole project, which was made possible by the kind sponsorship of the Hive Ecosystem. Hive, a blockchain-based social media platform, expressed great pride and joy at this occasion. This […]