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Abena Osei-Asare MP: President’s SONA 2024 Address Offers Hope for Ghana’s Future


Following President Nana Akufo-Addo’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) for 2024, Member of Parliament Abena Osei-Asare has hailed the President’s speech as a source of optimism for the state of Ghana. Osei-Asare, representing the constituency of Atiwa East, praised the address for its vision, clarity, and emphasis on key priorities that offer hope for the nation’s development.

In her assessment of the President’s speech, Osei-Asare highlighted several key themes that resonated with her constituents and Ghanaians at large. She applauded the government’s commitment to economic recovery and growth, citing initiatives aimed at revitalizing key sectors, creating jobs, and stimulating investment.

“The President’s address offered a comprehensive roadmap for Ghana’s economic recovery and growth, focusing on job creation, infrastructure development, and investment in key sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology,” Osei-Asare remarked.

Furthermore, Osei-Asare commended the government’s efforts to address pressing social challenges, including education, healthcare, and social welfare. She noted the President’s commitment to expanding access to quality education, improving healthcare delivery, and enhancing social protection programs for vulnerable groups.

“The President’s SONA address provided reassurance that the government is actively working to improve the lives of all Ghanaians, particularly the most vulnerable members of society,” Osei-Asare stated.

Additionally, Osei-Asare highlighted the President’s focus on good governance, transparency, and accountability, emphasizing the importance of upholding democratic principles and fostering public trust in government institutions.

“As we navigate the challenges facing our nation, it is crucial that we prioritize good governance, transparency, and accountability. The President’s commitment to these principles is commendable and offers hope for a brighter future for Ghana,” Osei-Asare added.

Overall, Osei-Asare expressed confidence that the President’s SONA address has set a positive tone for Ghana’s future, instilling hope and confidence in the government’s ability to address the nation’s most pressing challenges and build a prosperous and inclusive society.

As Ghana moves forward, Osei-Asare urged all stakeholders, including policymakers, civil society organizations, and citizens, to work together collaboratively to translate the vision outlined in the President’s address into tangible results that benefit all Ghanaians.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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