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Anti-LGBTQ Bill: We will go after NPP MPs frustrating the bill in their primaries Hon, Sam George Vows


In a bold declaration, Hon. Sam George, Member of Parliament and a vocal advocate for the Anti-LGBTQ Bill in Ghana, has announced plans to target members of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) who are impeding the progress of the legislation. The legislator emphasized his commitment to the bill and expressed determination to address any opposition within the party, particularly during their upcoming primaries.



The Anti-LGBTQ Bill, which seeks to criminalize and further restrict LGBTQ+ rights in Ghana, has been a subject of intense debate both nationally and internationally. While proponents argue that the legislation aligns with cultural and societal values, critics, including human rights organizations, view it as a threat to personal freedoms and an impediment to inclusivity.

Hon. Sam George, a key figure in the push for the bill, declared during a press conference that he and like-minded colleagues are prepared to target NPP members who may be hindering the bill’s progress. He asserted that they will actively participate in the party’s primaries to ensure that candidates supportive of the Anti-LGBTQ Bill are selected.

This announcement has sparked reactions from various quarters, with supporters commending the legislator’s commitment to the bill’s advancement and critics expressing concern over potential internal divisions within political parties.

The move to address resistance within the NPP primaries signals a strategic and proactive approach by proponents of the Anti-LGBTQ Bill to secure political support for the legislation. As Ghana navigates the complex intersection of cultural values, human rights, and political dynamics, the actions and statements of key figures like Hon. Sam George continue to shape the trajectory of the ongoing debate surrounding LGBTQ+ rights in the country.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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