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Aseidu Nketia Firmly reply President Akuffo Addo : No Congratulations for Those involved in Political Violence to win power”


Chairman Johnson Asiedu Nketia, the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has taken a strong stance against political violence, declaring that the party will not extend congratulations to individuals or groups involved in actions that result in harm to Ghanaians in their pursuit of political power.

In a press conference, Chairman Nketia emphasized the importance of promoting a peaceful and democratic electoral process. He condemned any form of violence that compromises the safety and lives of citizens, stressing that political power should be sought through lawful and democratic means.

While Chairman Nketia did not specify any recent incidents, his comments come against the backdrop of concerns about political violence during election periods. The statement reflects the NDC’s commitment to denouncing any actions that tarnish the democratic process and harm the well-being of the Ghanaian people.

The announcement by Chairman Asiedu Nketia has garnered attention from various political circles, prompting discussions about the broader issue of political violence and its impact on the democratic fabric of the nation. As Ghana approaches future elections, the call for a commitment to non-violence becomes a central theme in shaping the political landscape and ensuring the well-being of the electorate.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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