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Bawumia’s new chapter: In terms of raw performance, Bawumia cannot be compared to Mahama Felix Kwakye Ofosu fires

In a recent appearance on Joy News File, former Deputy Minister of Communications, Felix Ofosu Kwakye, made striking comments regarding Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s performance, asserting that it cannot be equated to that of former President John Dramani Mahama.

During the televised discussion, Kwakye emphasized the stark contrast between Bawumia’s tenure and Mahama’s leadership, particularly in terms of raw performance. He highlighted that while Bawumia may have embarked on a new chapter in Ghanaian politics, his achievements and capabilities cannot rival those of Mahama.

Kwakye’s remarks come amidst ongoing political discourse surrounding the achievements and shortcomings of the current government under President Nana Akufo-Addo, with Bawumia playing a prominent role as Vice President.

The assertion made by Kwakye reflects the divergent perspectives within Ghanaian politics regarding the performance of successive administrations and the efficacy of their policies in addressing the nation’s challenges.

While Bawumia has garnered attention for his initiatives and economic policies, including the digitization agenda and efforts to stabilize the currency, critics like Kwakye contend that his performance falls short compared to the track record of Mahama’s administration.

As Ghana approaches future elections, the contrasting assessments of leadership performance underscore the complexity of political dynamics and the diverse opinions shaping public opinion.

Ultimately, Kwakye’s comments serve to stimulate further debate and reflection on the state of governance in Ghana, as citizens weigh the achievements and shortcomings of their leaders in charting the nation’s course forward.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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