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Chief Imam’s Spokesperson Urges Muslim Voters to Prioritize Politicians Committed Against LGBTQI Rights


In a significant development, the spokesperson for Ghana’s Chief Imam has called on Muslim voters to withhold support from politicians who do not publicly commit to opposing LGBTQI rights. The influential religious leader’s representative emphasized the importance of aligning political choices with Islamic values and moral convictions.

The spokesperson, during a press conference, conveyed the Chief Imam’s concern over the growing discussions around LGBTQI issues in the country. He urged politicians to take a clear stance against what he described as practices inconsistent with Islamic teachings and traditional Ghanaian values.

The call for Muslim voters to prioritize candidates who openly oppose LGBTQI rights underscores the intersection of religious beliefs and political engagement. The spokesperson emphasized that this is not an endorsement for discrimination but a plea for politicians to align with the moral convictions of their constituents.

The statement has initiated discussions on the role of religious values in shaping political decisions, especially in a diverse and pluralistic society like Ghana. It also raises questions about the influence of religious leaders on the political landscape and the potential impact on electoral outcomes.

As Ghana heads towards elections, the Chief Imam’s spokesperson’s statement adds a new dimension to the discourse, highlighting the evolving nature of political considerations and the importance of addressing issues that resonate with the values of different religious communities. The call to Muslim voters signals a growing awareness of the role religion plays in shaping political choices and underlines the need for politicians to navigate these sensitivities as they seek public support.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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