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“Concerns Rise as Citizens Experience Electricity Power Crisis: Is Dumsor Back in Ghana?”


Ghanaian citizens are expressing growing concerns over the recent electricity power challenges, sparking speculations about the return of ‘Dumsor,’ a term widely used to describe power outages in the country. As frustrations mount, the NPP government has broken its silence on the issue, addressing the power crisis and assuring citizens that measures are being taken to resolve the situation.

Reports from various regions indicate inconsistent power supply, with some areas experiencing prolonged outages. This has led to increased anxiety among Ghanaians, who vividly remember the impact of previous Dumsor periods on daily life and economic activities.

In response to the public outcry, the NPP government has acknowledged the challenges in the energy sector. The Minister of Energy, along with other officials, held a press conference to provide insights into the causes of the recent power disruptions. The government attributed the situation to a combination of technical challenges, supply chain issues, and increased demand.

While assuring citizens that efforts are underway to address the problems, the government emphasized the need for patience and understanding during this period. They outlined short-term and long-term strategies aimed at stabilizing the power supply and preventing a return to the prolonged outages experienced in the past.

The resurgence of power challenges has reignited debates about the resilience and reliability of Ghana’s energy infrastructure. Citizens are closely watching the government’s response, calling for transparency, accountability, and swift actions to resolve the current power crisis and prevent a return to the days of Dumsor. As the nation navigates these challenges, the spotlight remains on the effective management and sustainable development of the energy sector to ensure a stable and reliable power supply for all.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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