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Controller and Accountant General Department of Ghana Implements “No Ghana Card, No Salary” Policy for Public Sector Workers Starting February 2024


In a significant move to enhance data security and streamline public sector payroll management, the Controller and Accountant General Department of Ghana has announced the implementation of a “No Ghana Card, No Salary” policy, effective February 2024.

Under this new directive, all public sector workers must possess a valid Ghana Card to receive their salaries. The Ghana Card, issued by the National Identification Authority (NIA), serves as the country’s primary identification document, containing biometric information and personal details of citizens.

The Controller and Accountant General Department emphasized that the decision aims to improve accuracy in salary disbursements, reduce the risk of payroll fraud, and ensure that only eligible individuals receive government remuneration. The Ghana Card integration is expected to enhance the verification process, minimizing the chances of ghost workers or unauthorized persons benefiting from public funds.

This policy aligns with the government’s broader efforts to promote the use of the Ghana Card across various sectors, emphasizing its role as a key instrument for identity verification and public service delivery.

Public sector employees who do not possess a Ghana Card are urged to promptly acquire one from the National Identification Authority to avoid disruptions to their salary payments. The NIA has been actively working to facilitate the registration and issuance of Ghana Cards to eligible citizens across the country.

The Controller and Accountant General Department assured the public that the transition will be carried out with due diligence, providing support to workers during the initial phase of implementation. The move is also expected to contribute to the overall efficiency of public administration and financial management in Ghana.

As the deadline approaches, public sector employees are encouraged to ensure their compliance with the new policy to avoid any inconvenience regarding their salary payments. The “No Ghana Card, No Salary” policy reflects the government’s commitment to modernize administrative processes and strengthen the integrity of public sector operations.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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