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Dormaahene Osagyefo Agyemang Badu II advise Government to Suspends Lithium Lease Agreement and have a further consultation


In a decisive move, Dormaahene Osagyefo Agyemang Badu II has announced the suspension of the lithium lease agreement and the Berekum Traditional Council from the Bono Regional House of Chiefs until a proper resolution is reached to address their internal issues.

Osagyefo Agyemang Badu II, who serves as the President of the Bono Regional House of Chiefs, expressed deep concern over the handling of the lithium lease agreement, emphasizing the need for thorough consultations and community engagement before such significant decisions are made. The suspension of the lease agreement is expected to allow for broader discussions involving affected communities, stakeholders, and traditional leaders.

The Dormaahene noted that the decision to suspend the Berekum Traditional Council from the regional house was taken in response to internal conflicts and disagreements that have persisted without a satisfactory resolution. He urged the council members to engage in a constructive dialogue to address their differences and work towards restoring unity within the traditional leadership.

The lithium lease agreement had faced criticism from various quarters, with concerns raised about the potential environmental impact and the need for inclusive consultations with local communities. The suspension of the agreement reflects Dormaahene Osagyefo Agyemang Badu II’s commitment to ensuring responsible and community-driven decision-making, especially on matters of economic significance.

Members of the Berekum Traditional Council are expected to initiate a process of reconciliation and dialogue to resolve their internal disputes before being reinstated to the Bono Regional House of Chiefs. The suspension serves as a call for traditional leaders to prioritize unity and collaboration in the interest of their respective communities.

Stakeholders and community members are keenly watching how the traditional leaders navigate these developments, with expectations of transparent and inclusive processes in both the reconsideration of the lithium lease agreement and the resolution of internal conflicts within the Berekum Traditional Council. The decisions made by Dormaahene Osagyefo Agyemang Badu II are anticipated to set a precedent for responsible governance and conflict resolution within the Bono Region.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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