best and quality

Election 2024: People say I’m the best vice president in Ghana’s history – Dr Bawumia.


In the heart of Ghana’s political landscape, Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia finds himself at the center of a contentious debate surrounding his tenure, credentials, credibility, and the prevailing economic challenges facing the nation. While Bawumia claims to be the best Vice President in Ghana’s history, social commentators have raised questions about the veracity of his assertions in light of ongoing socio-economic struggles.

**A Claim to Success:**

Vice President Bawumia’s journey into politics has been marked by ambition and determination. With a background in economics, he emerged as a prominent figure within the New Patriotic Party (NPP), eventually becoming the running mate of Nana Akufo-Addo in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. It was in 2016 that Bawumia secured the position of Vice President alongside Akufo-Addo after a successful campaign, promising transformative change and economic prosperity for Ghana.

Throughout his tenure, Bawumia has consistently touted his achievements, particularly in the realm of economics. He has been a vocal advocate for digitalization and innovation, championing initiatives such as the digital addressing system and the Ghana Card project aimed at enhancing efficiency and transparency in governance.

Furthermore, Bawumia has played a pivotal role in implementing the Free Senior High School (SHS) policy, which has significantly increased access to education for Ghanaian youth, albeit amid concerns about its sustainability and quality.

**Questioning Credentials and Credibility:**

Despite these claims of success, Vice President Bawumia’s credentials and credibility have come under scrutiny from social commentators and political opponents alike. Critics argue that while Bawumia may possess academic expertise in economics, the translation of theoretical knowledge into effective governance requires a different skill set altogether.

Moreover, there have been allegations of inconsistency and manipulation of data on the part of the Vice President. Critics accuse Bawumia of selectively presenting statistics to paint a rosy picture of the economy while downplaying or ignoring underlying challenges such as rising unemployment, inflation, and debt levels.

**Economic Challenges Facing Ghana:**

Indeed, Ghana finds itself grappling with significant economic challenges that cast doubt on the narrative of unqualified success put forth by Vice President Bawumia. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated pre-existing vulnerabilities in the Ghanaian economy, leading to a contraction in GDP and heightened economic uncertainty.

Key sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services have been adversely affected, resulting in job losses and increased financial strain on households. Additionally, the depreciation of the Ghanaian cedi against major currencies has further exacerbated inflationary pressures and eroded purchasing power for many Ghanaians.

**Social Commentary:**

In light of these economic realities, social commentators have raised questions about Vice President Bawumia’s assertion of being the best Vice President in Ghana’s history. They argue that while his intentions may be noble, the gap between rhetoric and reality remains substantial, with many Ghanaians yet to experience the promised dividends of economic transformation.

Moreover, critics caution against the dangers of political grandstanding and the manipulation of data for short-term political gain, urging the government to prioritize genuine economic reforms and address the root causes of socio-economic challenges.


As Ghana approaches the 2024 elections, the debate over Vice President Bawumia’s legacy and effectiveness continues to intensify. While his supporters laud his efforts to drive economic transformation and improve governance, skeptics remain unconvinced, pointing to the persistent socio-economic struggles facing the nation.

Ultimately, the verdict on Vice President Bawumia’s tenure will be determined by the extent to which his policies translate into tangible improvements in the lives of ordinary Ghanaians. As the political discourse unfolds, one thing remains certain: the need for accountability, transparency, and genuine socio-economic reform to address the pressing challenges facing Ghana.

story filed by Nana kwaku Duah


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