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Electricity: A Privilege, Not a Right – Insights from the ECG Boss


In a thought-provoking statement, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Mr. Samuel Mahama  challenged the prevailing notion that electricity is a fundamental right. He emphasized that access to electricity should be seen as a privilege rather than an entitlement. This assertion sparked widespread debate and reflection on the nature of electricity provision, its implications for society, and the responsibilities of both consumers and providers.

In an exclusive interview with Mr. Samuel Mahama  he expounded on his views, shedding light on the complexities of electricity distribution and the socio-economic factors at play. He articulated that while electricity is undoubtedly crucial for modern living, it is not an inherent right guaranteed to all citizens. Instead, he argued that it should be treated as a privilege that comes with responsibilities and obligations.

Mr. Samuel Mahama highlighted the significant investments and infrastructure required to generate, transmit, and distribute electricity. He emphasized that these resources are finite and come at a cost. From power generation plants to transmission lines and distribution networks, the entire electricity supply chain demands substantial financial investments and maintenance efforts. Therefore, he contended that consumers must recognize and appreciate the efforts made by utility companies to ensure reliable electricity supply.

Moreover, Mr. Samuel Mahama addressed the issue of electricity theft and non-payment of bills, which pose significant challenges to utility companies like ECG. He lamented that such practices undermine the sustainability of electricity provision and ultimately jeopardize the well-being of law-abiding consumers. He urged consumers to fulfill their obligations by paying their electricity bills promptly and using electricity responsibly.

The ECG boss also touched upon the broader socio-economic impact of electricity access. He underscored its pivotal role in driving economic development, powering industries, and improving living standards. However, he cautioned against taking electricity for granted and emphasized the need for prudent energy management practices to ensure sustainability and affordability in the long run.

In response to Mr. Samuel Mahama remarks, various stakeholders weighed in on the debate, offering diverse perspectives on the topic. Civil society organizations and advocacy groups emphasized the importance of ensuring universal access to electricity as a basic human right. They argued that electricity is essential for fulfilling basic needs, such as lighting, cooking, healthcare, education, and communication. Therefore, they called for increased efforts to expand electricity infrastructure and address the barriers preventing marginalized communities from accessing reliable power.

On the other hand, some economists and policy experts echoed Mr. Samuel Mahama sentiments, emphasizing the economic realities of electricity provision. They stressed the need for sustainable financing mechanisms, efficient resource allocation, and regulatory reforms to improve the viability and efficiency of electricity systems. They also underscored the importance of consumer education and empowerment to promote responsible energy consumption and minimize wastage.

Amidst the ongoing debate, one thing remains clear: the provision of electricity is a complex and multifaceted issue with far-reaching implications for society. While it is undeniable that access to electricity can significantly enhance quality of life and promote socio-economic development, it is also imperative to acknowledge the challenges and limitations associated with its provision. As stakeholders continue to grapple with these issues, one thing is certain: a collaborative and holistic approach is essential to ensure equitable, sustainable, and affordable access to electricity for all.


story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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