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Former President Mahama Criticized President Akuffo Addo on military brutalities during election 2020

In a recent statement, Former President John Mahama criticized President Nana Akufo-Addo for his perceived lack of empathy towards the bereaved families affected by tragic events that occurred three years ago. Mahama expressed deep concern, labeling it as “unconscionable” that, despite the passage of time, President Akufo-Addo has not offered any words of sympathy to those who suffered loss.

Mahama highlighted the importance of leadership displaying compassion and support during difficult times, emphasizing that acknowledging the pain of the bereaved families is a fundamental responsibility of any head of state. The former president’s comments have sparked public debate, with some echoing his sentiments and calling for a more empathetic response from the current administration.

The tragic events in question were not specified in Mahama’s statement, leaving room for speculation and prompting increased scrutiny on the broader approach to addressing national crises. As the public awaits a response from the Akufo-Addo administration, the issue raises questions about the role of leaders in providing solace to grieving communities and the overall tone of governance in times of tragedy.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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