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Ghana Police Expressing Gratitude for Peaceful Demonstrations needless after Controversial Arrests to protect Akuffo Addo’s bad administration Social commentator Fires**

**Title: Ghana Police Service Expresses Gratitude for Peaceful Demonstrations Amid Controversial Arrests**

Accra, Ghana – The Ghana Police Service released a press statement today, extending their gratitude to the participants of the just-ended three-day demonstration while addressing concerns over the arrest of certain individuals during the protest. The demonstration, organized by various civil society groups, called for political accountability and democratic reforms.

The three-day demonstration, which saw significant participation from citizens across the nation, concluded on a relatively peaceful note. Protesters gathered to voice their concerns about issues such as government transparency, electoral reforms, and social justice.

However, the arrest of several individuals during the demonstration raised eyebrows and led to public outcry. Critics argued that some of these arrests appeared arbitrary and lacked clear reasons, fueling suspicions that they were connected to the protection of the Presidency.


Press statement by Ghana Police Service

In their press statement, the Ghana Police Service acknowledged the concerns raised by the public and clarified their stance on the matter:

1. **Peaceful Assembly Acknowledged:** The police expressed their appreciation for the generally peaceful and law-abiding conduct of the majority of demonstrators. They commended the participants for exercising their constitutional right to assembly and free speech.

2. **Concerns Over Arrests:** The statement acknowledged that some individuals were arrested during the demonstration, and concerns have been raised about the reasons behind these arrests. The police assured the public that all arrests were carried out in adherence to due process and in the interest of public safety.

3. **Presidency Protection Clarification:** The police clarified that their actions during the demonstration were solely motivated by their commitment to maintaining public order and safety. They categorically denied any political motivations or interference in their operations aimed at protecting the Presidency.

4. **Commitment to Accountability:** The Ghana Police Service pledged to conduct thorough investigations into the circumstances surrounding the arrests that have generated controversy. They emphasized their commitment to transparency and accountability in all their operations.

The press statement concluded with a call for continued peaceful and lawful engagement by all citizens. The police service assured the public that their concerns regarding the arrests during the demonstration would be thoroughly examined, and any officers found to have acted improperly would face appropriate disciplinary measures.

The statement from the Ghana Police Service has prompted discussions among citizens, civil society groups, and political stakeholders. It underscores the delicate balance between preserving public safety and protecting the democratic rights of citizens in Ghana’s vibrant political landscape.


story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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