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Ghana to import 2,500 tonnes of cocoa from Ivory Coast, 1,000 from Nigeria

In a bid to bolster regional partnerships and meet cocoa supply demands, Ghana has announced plans to import 2,500 tonnes of cocoa from neighboring Ivory Coast and an additional 1,000 tonnes from Nigeria.

The decision, revealed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, highlights the commitment of Ghana to collaborate with neighboring countries to ensure a stable cocoa supply chain. The move is seen as a strategic effort to address fluctuations in domestic cocoa production and maintain the nation’s position as a major player in the global cocoa market.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, in a press briefing, emphasized the mutual benefits of such regional collaborations. He stated that importing cocoa from Ivory Coast and Nigeria not only strengthens diplomatic ties but also ensures a steady supply of cocoa for Ghana’s thriving chocolate industry.

The collaboration with Ivory Coast, the world’s leading cocoa producer, is particularly significant, given the historical ties between the two countries. The trade agreement is expected to foster economic cooperation and stability in the West African region.

Importing cocoa from Nigeria further diversifies Ghana’s sources and enhances regional trade relationships. The move reflects a commitment to a unified approach to economic development and trade integration within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Stakeholders in the cocoa industry have expressed optimism about the decision, stating that it demonstrates the agility and adaptability of Ghana’s cocoa sector. The move is anticipated to mitigate the impact of unpredictable weather conditions and other factors that can affect cocoa production in the country.

As Ghana positions itself for increased collaboration in the global cocoa market, the announcement of cocoa imports from Ivory Coast and Nigeria signifies a step towards a more interconnected and resilient West African economy. The strategic move showcases the nation’s commitment to regional cooperation, economic stability, and ensuring a consistent supply of cocoa for its vibrant chocolate industry.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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