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Government Spends GHS68 Million on Photocopying Past Questions, Minority Caucus Raises Concerns


A startling revelation has emerged from the Ghanaian Parliament as the Minority Caucus accuses the government of squandering GHS68 million on photocopying past examination questions. The revelation has sparked outrage and calls for accountability from both within and outside the political sphere.

The Minority Caucus in Parliament, led by its spokesperson, has raised serious concerns over what they describe as a gross misuse of public funds. According to their claims, the government allocated a staggering amount of GHS68 million to procure photocopies of past examination questions, a move they deem unnecessary and wasteful.

In a fiery statement delivered on the floor of Parliament, the Minority Caucus lambasted the government for its lack of fiscal responsibility and questioned the rationale behind such extravagant spending on educational resources that could be obtained at a fraction of the cost.

The accusations leveled by the Minority Caucus have reignited debates surrounding government procurement practices and financial accountability. Critics argue that the exorbitant expenditure on photocopying past questions represents a blatant disregard for prudent financial management, especially at a time when the country is grappling with economic challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, government officials have pushed back against the allegations, defending the expenditure as a necessary investment in the education sector. They argue that the procurement of past examination questions is aimed at improving educational outcomes and ensuring that students have access to quality study materials to excel in their academic pursuits.

Despite the government’s attempts to justify the expenditure, the controversy has further deepened public skepticism regarding government spending priorities and has underscored the need for greater transparency and accountability in the management of public finances.

As calls for a thorough investigation into the matter grow louder, all eyes are now on the government to provide comprehensive explanations regarding the procurement process and to address concerns raised by the Minority Caucus and other stakeholders regarding the alleged misappropriation of public funds.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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