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“Governor Addison printed money to finance Akuffo Addo Bawumia champagne lifestyle on Apketeshi Budget, Hon. Ato Forson blast


In a fiery speech during the ‘Occupy Bank of Ghana’ demonstrations, Hon. Ato Forson, Ghana’s Minority Leader, did not mince words as he sharply criticized the Akuffo-Addo government, describing it as a “drunkard” in the context of alleged financial irregularities.

Addressing a passionate crowd of demonstrators, Forson accused the government of indulging in financial mismanagement and claimed that it was exhibiting characteristics reminiscent of a “drunkard,” suggesting a lack of control and responsibility in managing the country’s economic affairs.

The Minority Leader, known for his outspoken style, went on to articulate the opposition’s concerns about the alleged involvement of corporate entities linked to the Bank of Ghana in financial improprieties. Forson stressed that the government’s purported mismanagement of financial matters had dire consequences for the nation, and the opposition was determined to hold those responsible accountable.

“While our people suffer, we see a government behaving like a drunkard, staggering from one financial misstep to another. It’s time for us to demand answers and demand them now,” declared Forson, energizing the crowd.

The use of the term “drunkard” in describing the government adds a sharp and colorful dimension to the political discourse, drawing attention to the opposition’s dissatisfaction and framing the administration’s actions in a particularly critical light.

As Forson’s speech resonates through social and traditional media channels, it adds fuel to the ongoing debates surrounding the ‘Occupy Bank of Ghana’ movement. The government is yet to respond to these specific remarks, but the broader political landscape is undoubtedly feeling the impact of the heightened rhetoric as Ghanaians await further developments in the unfolding narrative.


story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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