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“Hassan Ayariga Claims John Mahama ‘Stole’ 24-Hour Economy Idea from 2020 Manifesto”


In a surprising turn of events, Hassan Ayariga, a prominent political figure, has accused John Mahama of pilfering the concept of a 24-hour economy from his 2020 manifesto. Ayariga alleges that Mahama, a key player in Ghanaian politics, appropriated the idea without due credit or acknowledgment.

Ayariga, known for his outspoken nature, made these claims during a recent public appearance where he expressed his discontent with what he perceives as intellectual property theft. The 24-hour economy, initially outlined in Ayariga’s 2020 manifesto, has become a focal point of national discourse, and Ayariga insists that Mahama’s endorsement of the idea is a direct replication of his own proposals.

The accusations have sparked a heated debate within political circles, with supporters of both figures taking sides. Mahama’s camp has dismissed the allegations as baseless, asserting that the concept of a 24-hour economy is not proprietary to Ayariga and has been discussed globally as part of broader economic discussions.

As the controversy unfolds, the political landscape in Ghana braces for potential ripple effects, with questions arising about the origin and ownership of policy ideas in the dynamic arena of national politics. The veracity of Ayariga’s claims and the subsequent impact on Mahama’s political standing remain uncertain, adding a layer of intrigue to an already intense political climate.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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