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Senior Staff at Public University Declare Strike, Cite Discontent with NPP and Link Allowance to 2024 Election Vote


In a bold move, senior staff members at a prominent public university have initiated a strike, making it clear that their decision to support or reject the ruling NPP party in the upcoming 2024 general elections hinges on the resolution of their long-standing allowance concerns.

The senior staff, comprising professors, administrators, and other key personnel, have expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of their allowances and have tied their vote directly to this issue. Spokesperson for the group, Dr. Amanda Thompson, emphasized, “Our commitment to excellence in education is unwavering, but the persistent neglect of our financial concerns cannot be overlooked.”

The university’s senior staff has been engaged in negotiations with the government for an improved allowances package for several months. Despite assurances and promises, the staff claims that little progress has been made, compelling them to take this drastic step.

Dr. Thompson highlighted the significance of their vote in the upcoming elections, stating, “We are not taking this decision lightly. It is a reflection of our collective frustration and a plea for the acknowledgment of our dedication to the academic community.”

The striking staff members assert that their allegiance in the 2024 elections will be swayed by the government’s response to their demands, emphasizing that tangible actions on the allowances issue could influence their decision.

The NPP party, in response to the strike and the explicit connection to the upcoming elections, has yet to issue an official statement. As the strike unfolds, both the government and university stakeholders are closely monitoring the situation, recognizing the potential impact on the academic environment and the broader political landscape.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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