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**Hon. Ahmed Ibrahim Claims NPP Government Would Have Sold Jubilee House if Not for Hung Parliament**


In a bold and provocative statement, Hon. Ahmed Ibrahim has alleged that the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) government would have sold the iconic Jubilee House by now if it were not for the constraints of a hung parliament. Speaking at a press conference in Accra, Ibrahim criticized the NPP’s handling of national assets and expressed concern over what he described as a perilous trajectory of privatization.

“The only reason the Jubilee House is still in our possession is because of the hung parliament,” Ibrahim declared. “If the NPP had an outright majority, they would have sold it off by now.”

The Jubilee House, the seat of the presidency, holds immense symbolic and functional importance in the country. Ibrahim’s assertion has sparked a significant reaction, both from political circles and the general public. He accused the NPP government of prioritizing financial gain over national heritage and the public good.

According to Ibrahim, the hung parliament has played a crucial role in checking the government’s power and preventing rash decisions that could harm the country’s interests. “This balance of power is essential for ensuring that our national treasures are protected,” he said.

Members of the NPP swiftly responded to Ibrahim’s allegations, dismissing them as baseless and politically motivated. “There has never been any intention or discussion within the government to sell the Jubilee House,” said a senior NPP spokesperson. “These claims are entirely unfounded and are designed to mislead the public.”

Political analysts have weighed in on the controversy, noting that while Ibrahim’s statements might be exaggerated, they do highlight broader concerns about the management and privatization of state assets. “This is not just about the Jubilee House. It’s about ensuring transparency and accountability in how our national assets are handled,” said Professor Kwame Asante, a political science expert at the University of Ghana.

The hung parliament, a result of the closely contested 2020 elections, has indeed led to a more balanced distribution of power between the ruling party and the opposition. This equilibrium has necessitated greater negotiation and compromise on key issues, including economic policies and national asset management.

Civil society organizations have called for a thorough examination of the government’s plans regarding national assets. “We need clear, transparent policies that protect our heritage and ensure that any privatization efforts are in the public interest,” said Lydia Forson, a spokesperson for the Civic Action Group.

The controversy surrounding Ibrahim’s remarks underscores the ongoing political tension and scrutiny of government actions. As debates continue, the role of the hung parliament in safeguarding national interests remains a focal point of discussion. Whether Ibrahim’s allegations hold any truth or are merely political rhetoric, they have undeniably stirred a vital conversation about the stewardship of the nation’s most important landmarks.

story filed by; Nana kwaku Duah


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