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Hon. Kwame Agbodza Questions Ministerial Nominees’ Potential to Address Dumsor and Cedi’s Freefall**


In a thought-provoking inquiry during parliamentary deliberations, Hon. Kwame Agbodza raised crucial questions regarding the potential impact of President Akufo-Addo’s ministerial nominees on resolving the challenges of ‘dumsor’ and stabilizing the cedi’s value. The inquiry took place amidst discussions on the approval of the president’s proposed appointees for various ministerial positions.

Expressing skepticism over the nominees’ ability to tackle the persistent issues of power outages and currency depreciation, Hon. Agbodza highlighted the urgency of addressing these pressing concerns. With ‘dumsor’ resurfacing in recent months and the Ghanaian cedi experiencing fluctuations in value against major currencies, the need for effective strategies to mitigate these challenges has become increasingly apparent.

“Will President Akufo-Addo’s ministerial nominees possess the expertise and resolve to confront the recurring challenges of ‘dumsor’ and the cedi’s freefall?” questioned Hon. Agbodza, emphasizing the critical importance of competent leadership in addressing these issues.

The inquiry reflects broader public sentiment and concerns regarding the government’s handling of energy and economic matters, particularly as they impact citizens’ daily lives and the country’s overall development trajectory. With the approval of ministerial nominees looming, the scrutiny on their qualifications and proposed strategies to tackle ‘dumsor’ and stabilize the cedi’s value intensifies.

In response to Hon. Agbodza’s inquiry, government officials underscored their commitment to implementing robust policies and measures aimed at addressing the challenges facing the energy and economic sectors. They highlighted ongoing efforts to enhance energy infrastructure and implement monetary policies geared towards stabilizing the cedi.

As parliamentary deliberations continue, the scrutiny on ministerial nominees’ capacity to deliver tangible solutions to ‘dumsor’ and the cedi’s depreciation remains a central focus. With the nation’s economic and energy stability hanging in the balance, the outcome of these deliberations holds significant implications for Ghana’s future prosperity and well-being.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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