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I will not protect your Legacy of Corruption and Misgovernance” Former President Mahama Jabs Akuffo Addo


In a blistering critique aimed at his political opponents, former President John Mahama has unleashed a scathing attack on what he perceives as a legacy of corruption, misgovernance, and economic turmoil. Mahama’s remarks, delivered with unapologetic candor, have reignited debates surrounding accountability and leadership in Ghana’s political landscape.

Addressing a gathering of supporters, Mahama minced no words as he lambasted the alleged failings of the previous administration, accusing them of presiding over a period marked by corruption, arrogance, and economic instability.

“Of course, I will not protect your ‘legacy’ of corruption, misgovernance, arrogance, ineptitude, bankrupt economy, increased unemployment, and pushing more of our people into the poverty bracket,” Mahama declared, drawing applause from his audience.

Mahama’s remarks come amidst heightened political tensions and growing discontent over the state of affairs in Ghana. With the country grappling with economic challenges and allegations of corruption, his comments strike a chord with many disillusioned citizens seeking accountability and transparency from their leaders.

The former president’s bold stance has earned both praise and criticism from across the political spectrum. Supporters view his outspokenness as a refreshing departure from the status quo, applauding his commitment to holding the government accountable for its actions. However, critics accuse Mahama of politicizing the issues and engaging in divisive rhetoric for political gain.

In response to Mahama’s accusations, representatives of the ruling party have dismissed his claims as baseless and politically motivated. They argue that Mahama’s own record during his tenure as president is marred by similar allegations of corruption and mismanagement.

As Ghana approaches crucial elections, Mahama’s remarks serve as a rallying cry for accountability and change, resonating with voters disillusioned by years of perceived neglect and maladministration. With the political landscape heating up, the former president’s outspokenness is likely to shape the discourse leading up to the polls, as citizens weigh their options and demand accountability from those vying for power.

Story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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