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Ibrahim Mahama Affirms: Young People Are Not as Irresponsible as the System Portrays


Renowned Ghanaian entrepreneur and businessman, Ibrahim Mahama, has challenged the prevailing narrative that paints young people as irresponsible. In a recent statement, Mahama emphasized the potential, creativity, and responsibility of the youth, asserting that the system often unfairly portrays them.

Mahama, founder of the Engineers and Planners Company Limited, highlighted the need for a more nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by young people in navigating today’s complex socio-economic landscape. He argued that systemic issues often hinder the realization of their full potential, leading to misconceptions about their capabilities.

“Many young people are ambitious, hardworking, and eager to contribute to the development of our nation. It’s crucial to recognize their potential and create a conducive environment for their growth,” stated Ibrahim Mahama.

The entrepreneur further addressed the role of mentorship and support systems in nurturing the younger generation, urging established professionals and leaders to provide guidance and opportunities. Mahama emphasized the importance of empowering young people to become catalysts for positive change rather than perpetuating stereotypes that hinder their progress.

“As a society, we must invest in the education, skills development, and mentorship of our youth. They are the future leaders and change-makers, and it’s our responsibility to pave the way for their success,” Mahama asserted.

Ibrahim Mahama’s remarks come at a time when discussions about youth empowerment and the challenges they face in various sectors are gaining prominence. The entrepreneur’s own journey serves as a testament to what young individuals can achieve with determination and support.

As Ghana continues to evolve, Mahama’s advocacy for a more optimistic view of the youth underscores the importance of recognizing and harnessing the potential of the younger generation. The dialogue initiated by Mahama encourages a reevaluation of societal perceptions, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and supportive environment for the nation’s youth.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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