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Kennedy Agyapong’s Bold Pledge: “I’ll Bring Alan Kyeremanteng Back to NPP if Elected as Flag-bearer”**


In a surprising move that has stirred political discussions, Member of Parliament Kennedy Agyapong has pledged to bring back Alan Kyeremanteng into the New Patriotic Party (NPP) fold if he secures the position of the party’s flag-bearer. This unexpected announcement adds a new dimension to the internal dynamics of the NPP as the party approaches crucial decision-making processes.

Kennedy Agyapong, known for his candid and assertive approach, made the commitment during a recent address to party members. He stated, “I am making it clear today that if you vote for me to be the flag-bearer, I will work to bring Alan Kyeremanteng back to the NPP. Let’s unite for the greater good of our party.”

The reference to Alan Kyeremanteng, a prominent political figure who has played significant roles within the party, suggests an acknowledgment of internal divisions that have affected the NPP’s cohesion in recent times. Kyeremanteng’s absence from the party has been a point of concern among some members.

Political analysts note that Kennedy Agyapong’s pledge reflects a recognition of the importance of unity within the NPP, especially as the party gears up for future elections. The ability to bridge internal divides and bring key figures like Alan Kyeremanteng back into active participation could have implications for the party’s strength and appeal.

As party members digest Kennedy Agyapong’s commitment, there is anticipation about whether such promises can translate into tangible actions and whether this approach will resonate with the broader NPP membership. The dynamics surrounding internal party politics will continue to unfold, with the potential for shifts in alliances and strategies as the NPP navigates the path towards selecting its flag-bearer.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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