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Kofi Bentil Urges Shift in Leadership: “Time to Try Bawumia” Ahead of 2024 Elections


As Ghana prepares for the upcoming 2024 elections, prominent lawyer and Vice President of policy think tank, IMANI Africa, Kofi Bentil, has stirred the political landscape with his bold assertion urging voters to consider a change in leadership. Bentil’s remarks come amidst growing speculation and debate surrounding potential presidential candidates and the direction of the nation’s governance.

In a statement that has resonated across the country, Bentil emphasized the need for a shift in leadership, stating, “We have already tried Mahama; it’s time to try Bawumia.” The statement underscores the desire among some Ghanaians for fresh leadership and a departure from the status quo.

Bentil’s advocacy for Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as a viable candidate signals a growing sentiment within certain quarters of the electorate. Bawumia, known for his economic acumen and digitalization initiatives, has garnered attention as a potential successor to President Nana Akufo-Addo.

The call for change reflects broader discussions within Ghanaian society about the performance of successive administrations and the desire for innovative approaches to governance. As the country grapples with economic recovery, infrastructure development, and social challenges, citizens are increasingly scrutinizing the credentials and track records of political leaders.

Bentil’s comments have sparked debate among political commentators and citizens alike, with some expressing support for his stance, while others advocate for continuity with the current administration or alternative candidates.

As the 2024 elections draw nearer, Bentil’s advocacy adds a new dimension to the political discourse, shaping public opinion and influencing voter perceptions. The question of leadership and the future direction of Ghana’s governance will undoubtedly remain central themes in the upcoming electoral campaign.

As stakeholders and political parties gear up for the electoral contest, the voices of influential figures like Kofi Bentil serve to galvanize public engagement and underscore the importance of informed decision-making in shaping the nation’s trajectory.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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