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“Lawyer Maurice Ampaw Firm: ‘I Won’t Step Foot at Manhyia Palace Today or Tomorrow’ – Exclusive Statement on Kasapa FM”


In a bold declaration, renowned lawyer Maurice Ampaw has asserted that he will not set foot at the Manhyia Palace, neither today nor tomorrow, during an exclusive statement made on Kasapa FM. The outspoken legal figure, known for his candid expressions, elaborated on his decision during a radio interview that touched on the intersection of law, tradition, and personal convictions.

Ampaw clarified his stance, stating, “I want to make it clear that, for personal reasons, I will not be visiting the Manhyia Palace today or tomorrow. This decision is based on factors important to me and should not be misconstrued as disrespect towards the revered institution.”

The statement has stirred curiosity and speculation, with listeners and followers eager to understand the motivations behind Ampaw’s decision. While he did not delve into specific details during the radio interview, the lawyer emphasized the importance of individuals making choices aligned with their principles.

As news of Lawyer Maurice Ampaw’s declaration spreads, it prompts discussions on the intricacies of personal choices in relation to cultural and traditional norms. The Manhyia Palace, being a symbol of authority and tradition in the Ashanti Kingdom, adds a layer of significance to Ampaw’s decision, making it a topic of interest and debate within legal and cultural circles.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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