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Military Personnel Bar NDC MPs and Officials from National Cathedral Site Access, Sparks Political Tensions


Tensions escalated in Accra today as military personnel reportedly obstructed National Democratic Congress (NDC) Members of Parliament and officials from accessing the site designated for the construction of the National Cathedral. The incident has stirred controversy and raised concerns about political interference in the ambitious project.

According to eyewitness accounts, a contingent of armed military personnel was deployed to the site, where they formed a blockade preventing NDC representatives from entering the premises. The NDC delegation, which included MPs and party officials, had sought to inspect the area and gather information about the progress of the construction project.

The decision to block access to the site has drawn sharp criticism from NDC leaders, who have accused the government of employing heavy-handed tactics to suppress opposition voices and hinder their oversight responsibilities. They argue that as elected representatives, they have a right to access public facilities and scrutinize government projects on behalf of the Ghanaian people.

In response to the incident, NDC officials have vowed to pursue legal action and demand accountability from the government for what they perceive as an abuse of power. They have called for transparency in the management of the National Cathedral project and expressed concerns about the lack of consultation with stakeholders, including opposition parties.

Meanwhile, supporters of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) have defended the actions of the military, citing security concerns and the need to maintain order at the construction site. They argue that the presence of armed forces is necessary to safeguard the project and ensure that it proceeds without disruption.

The standoff at the National Cathedral site underscores the deepening political divisions within Ghana and highlights the challenges of balancing security concerns with democratic principles. As tensions continue to simmer, both the government and opposition parties are facing mounting pressure to find a resolution to the dispute and restore trust in the country’s democratic institutions.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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