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Minority in Parliament Proposes Private Member’s Bill to Remove E-Levy and Betting Tax


In a bold move aimed at addressing concerns over the controversial E-Levy and betting tax, the Minority in Parliament has announced plans to introduce a private member’s bill seeking the removal of these levies. The proposal comes amidst mounting public discontent and opposition to the implementation of these taxes, which have sparked widespread debate and criticism across the country.

The E-Levy, a digital transaction tax proposed by the government as part of efforts to increase revenue generation, has faced staunch resistance from various sectors of society. Critics argue that the levy would impose undue financial burdens on ordinary citizens and stifle economic growth and innovation in the digital economy.

Similarly, the betting tax, which seeks to impose levies on betting activities in the country, has drawn criticism for its potential negative impact on the gaming industry and the livelihoods of individuals employed in this sector. Opponents of the tax argue that it would disproportionately affect low-income earners and discourage participation in legal betting activities.

In response to these concerns, the Minority in Parliament has taken decisive action to address the grievances of the public by proposing legislation for the removal of both the E-Levy and betting tax. The private member’s bill, once introduced, will undergo parliamentary scrutiny and debate, providing an opportunity for lawmakers to engage in substantive discussions on the merits and drawbacks of these fiscal measures.

Speaking on behalf of the Minority, the Leader of the Opposition emphasized the importance of prioritizing the interests and welfare of the Ghanaian people. He reiterated the Minority’s commitment to advocating for policies that promote economic inclusivity, fairness, and social justice.

The proposal to introduce a private member’s bill reflects the Minority’s determination to uphold democratic principles and hold the government accountable for its policy decisions. It also underscores the significance of constructive dialogue and collaboration in addressing pressing issues affecting the nation’s economic and social well-being.

As the private member’s bill makes its way through the legislative process, stakeholders from all sectors of society are encouraged to engage in meaningful discussions and provide input to shape the outcome of this important initiative. The outcome of these deliberations will have far-reaching implications for the future direction of fiscal policy in Ghana.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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