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Minority Leader Hon Ato Forson Challenges Bawumia’s Tax Promise with Repeal Bills


In response to Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s recent promise to remove certain taxes, Minority Leader Hon Ato Forson has pledged to test the sincerity of the government’s commitment by presenting bills aimed at repealing tax laws. The move underscores the opposition’s determination to hold the government accountable and ensure that promises translate into tangible legislative action.

Vice President Bawumia’s pledge to eliminate taxes has stirred debate and skepticism among political observers, with some questioning the feasibility and implications of such a move. In response, Hon Ato Forson and the Minority caucus have announced plans to introduce repeal bills targeting specific tax laws identified by the government for removal.

Speaking on behalf of the Minority, Hon Ato Forson emphasized the importance of concrete action to back up promises made by the government. By presenting repeal bills, the Minority aims to compel the government to follow through on its commitments and demonstrate its sincerity in addressing the tax burden faced by Ghanaians.

The proposed repeal bills are expected to target taxes identified by the government as potential candidates for removal, including the Electronic Transaction Levy (E-Levy) and other levies and charges that have faced public scrutiny and opposition.

The decision by the Minority to initiate legislative action underscores the role of Parliament as a check on executive power and a forum for democratic debate and accountability. As the bills are introduced and debated in Parliament, the government will be compelled to defend its tax policies and demonstrate their alignment with the interests of the Ghanaian people.

The legislative process surrounding the repeal bills is expected to fuel discussions about fiscal policy, economic priorities, and the balance between revenue generation and public welfare. As Ghana navigates the complex terrain of taxation and governance, the actions of both the government and the opposition will shape the trajectory of the nation’s development and the well-being of its citizens.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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