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NDC Female MPs in Parliament Condemn Majority Leader’s Remarks as Attack on Womanhood and the Aged: Calls for Respect and Civility in Political Discourse


Tensions flared in Ghana’s Parliament today as female Members of Parliament (MPs) from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) issued a scathing rebuke against Hon. Afenyo Markins, the Majority Leader, over what they described as derogatory and demeaning remarks directed towards womanhood and the aged. The impassioned response comes amidst growing concerns over the tone and conduct of political discourse within the legislative chamber, highlighting broader issues of gender equality and respect for diversity in public life.

Ghana’s Parliament serves as the epicenter of political debate and decision-making, where elected representatives from various parties come together to deliberate on matters of national importance. However, recent sessions have been marred by heated exchanges and inflammatory rhetoric, raising questions about the civility and decorum of parliamentary proceedings.

**Remarks by the Majority Leader:**
The controversy erupted following remarks made by Hon. Afenyo Markins, the Majority Leader, during a heated debate on a proposed amendment to the country’s labor laws. In his address to the chamber, Hon. Markins made reference to “age-old tactics” employed by opposition parties, insinuating that their arguments were outdated and lacking in substance.

While the remarks were not explicitly directed at any specific individual or group, female MPs from the NDC took offense, interpreting Hon. Markins’ comments as a thinly veiled attack on womanhood and the aged. They condemned what they perceived as gendered language and ageism, asserting that such rhetoric has no place in parliamentary discourse.

**NDC Female MPs’ Response:**
In a joint statement issued shortly after the session, female MPs from the NDC vehemently denounced Hon. Markins’ remarks, characterizing them as both offensive and disrespectful. They called attention to the broader implications of gendered language and ageist stereotypes, highlighting the need for greater sensitivity and inclusivity in political dialogue.

“We categorically reject the Majority Leader’s attempt to dismiss our concerns through ageist and sexist rhetoric,” stated Hon. Adwoa Atta, a senior member of the NDC caucus. “His remarks not only undermine the contributions of women and the elderly but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes that have no place in our society.”

**Calls for Respect and Civility:**
The incident has reignited calls for greater respect and civility in parliamentary proceedings, with many urging lawmakers to uphold the principles of mutual respect and dignity. Female MPs from both the NDC and the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) have echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the importance of fostering a culture of inclusivity and tolerance within the legislative chamber.

“We must strive to elevate the level of discourse in Parliament and lead by example,” remarked Hon. Abena Mensah, an NPP MP. “Respect for diversity and differing viewpoints is fundamental to the functioning of democracy, and we must uphold these principles at all times.”

**Gender Equality and Political Representation:**
The incident has also sparked broader conversations about gender equality and political representation in Ghana. Despite significant progress in recent years, women remain underrepresented in Parliament, comprising only a fraction of the total number of elected officials.

“Women have a right to participate fully in the political process and contribute to decision-making at all levels of government,” asserted Hon. Ama Konadu, a staunch advocate for gender equality. “We must work together to create an inclusive and equitable political environment that values the voices and perspectives of all citizens.”

As Ghana’s Parliament grapples with the fallout from the controversy surrounding Hon. Afenyo Markins’ remarks, the incident serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of respectful and inclusive political discourse. Female MPs from the NDC have called for an end to gendered language and ageist stereotypes, urging their colleagues to embrace diversity and uphold the principles of mutual respect and dignity.

Moving forward, stakeholders across the political spectrum must work collaboratively to foster a culture of inclusivity and tolerance within Parliament, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued. Only through concerted efforts to promote gender equality and respect for diversity can Ghana truly fulfill its democratic ideals and aspirations.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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