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NDC National Chairman Urges Party Unity Ahead of Elections: “Let’s Focus on Winning First,” says Asiedu Nketia


In a bid to foster unity and cohesion within the National Democratic Congress (NDC), National Chairman Asiedu Nketia has called on party members to prioritize the collective goal of winning the upcoming elections, urging them to refrain from internal conflicts over positions and appointments until victory is secured.

Addressing party faithful at a rally in the capital, Accra, Nketia emphasized the importance of solidarity and collaboration in the quest for electoral success, urging members to set aside personal ambitions and rivalries for the greater good of the party.

“We are not there yet, so let’s not fight about positions,” Nketia declared, prompting applause and nods of agreement from the audience. “Our focus should be on winning the elections and serving the interests of the Ghanaian people.”

The NDC National Chairman’s remarks come amidst heightened anticipation and speculation over internal party dynamics, including discussions about potential appointments and leadership positions in the event of an electoral victory.

Nketia’s call for unity and restraint has resonated with party members, many of whom recognize the importance of presenting a united front and projecting a message of stability and competence to the electorate.

“We must remain focused on our ultimate goal of winning the elections,” remarked one party supporter. “Internal divisions and conflicts only weaken our chances of success. It’s time to put the interests of the party above individual ambitions.”

As the NDC prepares for the upcoming elections, the message of party unity and cohesion espoused by Asiedu Nketia serves as a rallying cry for members to set aside differences and work together towards a common purpose.

“We have a duty to the people of Ghana to offer them a viable alternative to the current government,” Nketia affirmed, urging party members to channel their energies towards grassroots mobilization and voter outreach efforts.

With the stakes high and the political landscape increasingly competitive, the NDC’s ability to present a unified front and harness the collective strength of its members will be crucial in determining its success at the polls. Asiedu Nketia’s call for party unity serves as a timely reminder of the importance of solidarity and cooperation in the pursuit of electoral victory.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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