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*NPP government doesn’t care about you, Strike is the only solution to meet your demands, Hon. Seth Ankrah Advises Teacher Unions*


In a bold assertion against the backdrop of escalating tensions, Hon. Seth Ankra has issued a stark warning to the Teacher Union, cautioning against viewing strikes as the sole solution to address grievances. In a pointed critique, Ankra questioned the commitment of the ruling NPP government towards the welfare of teachers, urging the union to consider alternative avenues for advocacy.

The Teacher Union, amidst mounting frustration over unmet demands, has contemplated the implementation of strikes as a means to compel action from the government. However, Ankra, a seasoned advocate for labor rights, challenged this approach, emphasizing the need for strategic negotiation and collaboration.

“Strikes can have detrimental consequences, and they should not be pursued recklessly,” Ankra stated. “It’s essential to explore all avenues for dialogue before resorting to such drastic measures.”

Ankra’s critique extended to the NPP government, questioning their dedication to addressing the concerns of teachers. He highlighted perceived gaps in government policies and initiatives, suggesting a lack of prioritization for the education sector.

“The welfare of teachers should be a top priority for any government,” Ankra asserted. “The current administration must demonstrate a genuine commitment to supporting educators and investing in the future of our children.”

Ankra’s admonition comes at a critical juncture, as the Teacher Union grapples with how best to advocate for their members amidst growing frustrations. His call for a reevaluation of tactics underscores the importance of strategic thinking and collaboration in effecting meaningful change.

As the debate unfolds, Ankra’s words serve as a rallying cry for a more nuanced approach to advocacy, one that prioritizes dialogue, negotiation, and a steadfast commitment to the well-being of educators across the nation.

For more information contact Seth Ankrah on

024 067 6313
024 067 6313

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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