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Osofo Kyiriabosom Wishes death for Politicians ahead of the year 2024 during election campaign, Labels Politicians as “All Corrupt”


Renowned spiritual leader Osofo Kyiriabosom has issued a thought-provoking message to Ghanaian politicians as the country gears up for the 2024 elections. In a candid statement, he expressed his desire for a transformative change in the political landscape while making a bold assertion that “they are all corrupt.”

Osofo Kyiriabosom, known for his outspoken nature, did not mince words as he addressed the pervasive issue of corruption within the political sphere. He urged politicians to rise above personal interests and prioritize the well-being of the nation.

“Let us not deceive ourselves; they are all corrupt,” declared Osofo Kyiriabosom, emphasizing the need for a collective effort to eradicate corruption from the political system. His wish for the upcoming year and election season is a sincere call for a shift towards integrity, transparency, and genuine public service.

The spiritual leader’s message comes at a crucial time when Ghanaians are closely observing political developments and evaluating the promises made by aspirants. Osofo Kyiriabosom’s words carry weight, given his influence and the resonance of his previous messages in the public domain.

As the nation enters a new electoral cycle, Osofo Kyiriabosom’s wish serves as a reminder for politicians to address the issue of corruption head-on and work towards earning the trust of the Ghanaian people. The extent to which his message influences the political discourse and candidates’ approaches to governance will undoubtedly be a point of interest in the lead-up to the 2024 elections.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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