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Outgoing Health Minister Kwaku Agyeman-Manu Speaks Out on Sputnik V COVID Vaccine Procurement Controversy


In a candid and impassioned statement, outgoing Health Minister Kwaku Agyeman-Manu addressed the frenzy surrounding the procurement of the Sputnik V COVID vaccine, asserting his innocence amidst mounting controversy. Speaking to reporters at a press conference, Agyeman-Manu proclaimed, “I had done no wrong, but some people wanted to pitch me up and put wrongdoing on me.”

The procurement of the Sputnik V vaccine has been mired in controversy, with allegations of impropriety and irregularities surfacing in recent months. Agyeman-Manu found himself at the center of the storm, facing scrutiny over the handling of the procurement process and accusations of inflated prices for the vaccines.

However, the outgoing Health Minister vehemently denied any wrongdoing, insisting that his actions were motivated solely by the urgent need to secure vaccines for the Ghanaian population amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Agyeman-Manu emphasized the challenges and complexities involved in vaccine procurement, particularly during a global supply shortage and intense competition among nations.

“I stand by my decisions and actions, which were made in the best interests of public health and safety,” Agyeman-Manu asserted. He expressed regret over the controversy surrounding the Sputnik V procurement, acknowledging that it had overshadowed the government’s efforts to combat the pandemic and save lives.

Despite calls for his resignation and demands for accountability, Agyeman-Manu maintained his innocence and integrity, vowing to cooperate fully with any investigations into the matter. He called for transparency and accountability in the handling of public funds and reiterated his commitment to serving the people of Ghana with honesty and dedication.

As Agyeman-Manu prepares to step down from his role as Health Minister, the Sputnik V procurement controversy serves as a sobering reminder of the challenges and pitfalls inherent in public health governance, particularly in times of crisis. The fallout from the controversy is likely to reverberate for months to come, underscoring the need for robust oversight and accountability mechanisms to safeguard public trust and confidence in government actions.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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