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**Parliament to Probe GHS 84M Contract Awarded to Busy Internet by Ministry of Education**

The Parliament of Ghana has announced an investigation into a GHS 84 million contract awarded to Busy Internet by the Ministry of Education. The contract, which was granted without parliamentary approval, has raised serious concerns about its legitimacy and the procedures followed in its allocation.

The decision to launch the probe was made during a parliamentary session on Monday, following reports that the contract was awarded under questionable circumstances. Members of Parliament (MPs) expressed alarm over the lack of transparency and adherence to due process in the awarding of the contract, which is intended for the provision of digital infrastructure and services to schools across the country.

The Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu, was vocal in his criticism, stating that bypassing parliamentary scrutiny for such a significant contract is unacceptable. “The Ministry of Education’s decision to award an GHS 84 million contract without the necessary parliamentary approval is a serious breach of protocol. We must ensure accountability and transparency in the use of public funds,” Iddrisu remarked.

Several MPs echoed Iddrisu’s sentiments, calling for a thorough investigation to determine the legitimacy of the contract and to hold responsible parties accountable. “This situation undermines the integrity of our procurement processes and raises questions about potential misconduct. We owe it to the citizens of Ghana to investigate this matter fully,” said Sarah Adwoa Safo, MP for Dome Kwabenya.

The Ministry of Education, led by Minister Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, has defended the contract, arguing that it was necessary to fast-track the digital transformation of the education sector, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry maintains that Busy Internet was selected based on its capability to deliver high-quality digital services efficiently.

However, critics argue that the urgency of the project does not justify bypassing established procurement procedures. They insist that parliamentary oversight is crucial to prevent potential misuse of public funds and to ensure that contracts are awarded based on merit and transparency.

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, has directed the Parliamentary Committee on Education to lead the investigation. The committee is expected to review all documentation related to the contract, interview key stakeholders, and report its findings within a month.

Public reaction to the news has been mixed, with some citizens expressing frustration over the recurring issues of transparency in government contracts, while others hope that the probe will lead to greater accountability.

As the investigation proceeds, all eyes will be on Parliament to see how it handles this critical issue. The outcome of the probe could have significant implications for the Ministry of Education and its future procurement practices, as well as for Busy Internet and other companies involved in public contracts.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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