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Pastor fined GH¢6,000 for unlawful discharge of shotgun

A 46-year-old  has been fined GH¢6,000 by the  for the unlawful discharge of his licensed pump-action shotgun. Sarfo, the accused, informed the court that he had not intended to fire his weapon.

However, the court presided over by Mrs. , ruled that failure to pay the fine would result in a 12-month imprisonment.

In addition to the fine, Sarfo has been ordered to sign a  committing to good behaviour for 24 months, with a two-year  term as the consequence for any violations.

Furthermore, the court has ruled that Sarfo’s firearm will be held by the Adentan Police Command for 12 months, with plans to return it to him on September 8, 2024.

The prosecution, led by Chief Inspector , revealed that Sarfo, a preacher and landlord who owns a building in ‘s  area, had rented an apartment to the complainant, a banker, eight months prior.

Disputes arose when the complainant attempted to obtain a copy of the tenancy agreement, which Sarfo repeatedly refused to provide.

According to Chief Inspector Lanyo, Sarfo resorted to threatening the complainant with eviction, culminating in an alarming incident on May 4, 2023.

The complainant reported to the Agbogba Police Station that Sarfo had threatened him over the phone, stating, “he should not come home that day, and if he does go home, that will be his final day on earth.”

The police issued an “extract of occurrence” to the complainant for further investigation, which revealed a pattern of Sarfo allegedly using a firearm to intimidate tenants during disagreements.

The prosecution stated, “He (Sarfo) goes to the extent of firing gunshots under the pretext of giving warning shots to scare them.”

On May 17, 2023, the police visited Sarfo’s residence but received no response after knocking multiple times. They subsequently interviewed some of his tenants, who confirmed the allegations and expressed their willingness to testify.

Sarfo voluntarily reported to the Adentan  and Victims Support Unit () on May 18, 2023, with his pump-action gun filled with BB cartridges.

Sarfo admitted to firing shots on three previous occasions after disputes with the complainant over the tenancy agreement.

During the investigation, the complainant presented a “written threat message” posted on his door by Sarfo, which the accused acknowledged posting.


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