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Peace Council, Christian Council, Chief Imam and Other Key Stakeholders institutions Remain silence on Akuffo Addo’s Terrance Administration


Accra, Ghana – In a country known for its vibrant civil society and active participation of religious leaders, a surprising hush has fallen over key institutions, raising questions about their silence in the face of alleged corruption, intimidation, and police brutality under President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo’s administration.

Ghana’s National Peace Council, the Clergy, the Muslim Council, Christian Council, and various civil society organizations have historically played pivotal roles in advocating for good governance, human rights, and justice. However, their current quietude in the midst of growing concerns has left many Ghanaians bewildered.

**The Dilemma of the National Peace Council:**

The National Peace Council, tasked with promoting peace and mediating conflicts, has faced a challenging dilemma. On one hand, they are committed to maintaining political stability and avoiding divisive rhetoric. On the other hand, their silence on issues like corruption and police brutality has drawn criticism from those who believe that they should speak out more forcefully in defense of democratic values.

The council’s stance of neutrality and dialogue has sometimes hindered them from taking a more vocal stand on contentious matters within the political landscape.

**Religious Leaders Tread Cautiously:**

The clergy, including both Christian and Muslim leaders, have traditionally been seen as moral compasses in Ghanaian society. However, they, too, find themselves in a precarious situation. Many religious leaders have close ties to politicians and are wary of jeopardizing their influence by openly criticizing the government.

While some have privately expressed concerns about the state of affairs, they have refrained from making public statements that could potentially harm their relationships with the political elite. Balancing their roles as spiritual guides and social commentators has proven to be a delicate task.

**Civil Society Organizations in a Quandary:**

Civil society organizations (CSOs) have historically been vocal advocates for social justice and accountability. However, many CSOs are struggling to secure funding in an environment where donors fear repercussions for supporting groups critical of the government. This financial strain has limited their capacity to engage in robust advocacy and research activities.

Furthermore, recent legislation targeting CSOs has added to their hesitancy to openly confront the government. Fearing regulatory scrutiny and potential backlash, some organizations have chosen to maintain a low profile.

**A Complex Web of Factors:**

The silence of these influential institutions cannot be attributed to a single factor. Rather, it is a complex web of considerations that includes the need for political stability, maintaining relationships with those in power, financial constraints, and concerns about legal repercussions.

While critics argue that these institutions should be more vocal in addressing the challenges facing Ghana, proponents of their current approach contend that behind-the-scenes engagement and diplomacy may yield more meaningful results in the long run.

As Ghana approaches its next elections, the role of these institutions in shaping the political landscape remains a topic of debate. Whether they will continue their cautious approach or find ways to navigate the delicate balance between stability and accountability will undoubtedly influence the country’s democratic trajectory in the coming years.

Story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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