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President Akuffo Addo Hijacking NPP by Dr. Richard Amoako Baah on JoyNews


**Accra, Ghana – September 27, 2023** – The National Patriotic Party (NPP) is facing internal turmoil and allegations of being hijacked by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo, following a recent statement by Dr. Richard Amoako Baah, a prominent political commentator, on JoyNews.

Dr. Richard Amoako Baah, known for his insightful analysis of Ghanaian politics, took to JoyNews to express his concerns about the direction of the NPP. He accused President Akuffo Addo of wielding disproportionate influence within the party, leading to what he termed “a hijacking” of the NPP.

In his statement, Dr. Amoako Baah highlighted several key points of contention within the party. He alleged that President Akuffo Addo’s dominance had resulted in limited dissent and an erosion of democratic principles within the NPP. Dr. Amoako Baah argued that the President’s influence had led to the sidelining of other party leaders and voices, thereby stifling internal debate and diversity of thought.

The political commentator further claimed that the NPP, under President Akuffo Addo’s leadership, had deviated from its core principles and ideals. He asserted that the party had shifted away from its traditional conservative stance and was moving in a direction that was more aligned with populism.

These allegations have ignited a heated debate within the NPP and the broader political landscape of Ghana. Supporters of President Akuffo Addo vehemently deny the accusations and argue that his leadership has been instrumental in the party’s electoral successes.

In response to Dr. Amoako Baah’s claims, the NPP leadership issued a statement affirming the party’s commitment to democratic values and principles. They stressed that internal disagreements were a natural part of any political organization and that they welcomed diverse viewpoints.

As the controversy unfolds, it is unclear what the long-term ramifications will be for the NPP and its leadership. The allegations made by Dr. Richard Amoako Baah have brought internal party dynamics into the spotlight and raised important questions about the state of democracy and political pluralism within the NPP.

Political analysts and party members are closely watching how the NPP navigates these challenges in the coming months, especially as the country approaches the next general election. The accusations of hijacking and the ensuing debates serve as a reminder of the complex and evolving nature of politics in Ghana.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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