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Prof Antwi Raises Concerns: Suggests Political Interference in Cecilia Dapaah’s Case at the OSP


In a thought-provoking statement, Professor Emmanuel Antwi, an astute political analyst, has voiced his apprehensions regarding the Office of the Special Prosecutor’s (OSP) handling of the Cecilia Dapaah case. Prof Antwi hinted at potential political interference, suggesting that the heavy hands behind the scenes may be impeding the progress of the investigation.

During an interview, Prof Antwi expressed, “I think that the OSP is frustrated on Cecilia Dapaah’s case because there seems to be heavy hands backing her, and those heavy hands are political. It raises concerns about the independence of our anti-corruption institutions.”

The case in question involves allegations of impropriety against Cecilia Dapaah, a prominent political figure. Prof Antwi’s comments have sparked speculation about the challenges faced by the OSP in pursuing investigations against influential figures, and whether political pressure is impacting the course of justice.

He emphasized the importance of safeguarding the autonomy of institutions like the OSP, stating, “For our democracy to thrive, we must ensure that anti-corruption bodies can operate without fear or favor, regardless of the political affiliations of those involved.”

While Prof Antwi did not provide specific details about the alleged political interference, his remarks have ignited discussions about the state of anti-corruption efforts and the need for transparent and impartial investigations.

The OSP has yet to respond to Prof Antwi’s observations. As the public awaits further developments, the comments by the respected political analyst have brought attention to the broader issue of preserving the integrity of institutions tasked with combating corruption and upholding the rule of law in the political landscape.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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