Kofi Bentil Urges Shift in Leadership: “Time to Try Bawumia” Ahead of 2024 Elections

  As Ghana prepares for the upcoming 2024 elections, prominent lawyer and Vice President of policy think tank, IMANI Africa, Kofi Bentil, has stirred the political landscape with his bold assertion urging voters to consider a change in leadership. Bentil’s remarks come amidst growing speculation and debate surrounding potential presidential candidates and the direction of […]

Sammy Gyamfi Esq. sets the records straight for Kofi Bentil

Dear Kofi Bentil, I just read your write-up calling on Ghanaians to give Bawumia a hearing, ahead of his needless and useless lecture, scheduled for 7th February. For your information, Ghanaians gave Bawumia ample hearing in 2016, when he held countless lectures and fora, to propound lofty but deceptive economic rhetorics. At each of those […]