Exodus of Ghanaian Nurses: Unraveling the Factors Behind the Departures for Greener Pastures

  In a concerning trend, over 3000 nurses have left Ghana since 2020, seeking opportunities abroad, sparking questions about the driving forces behind this mass migration. The reasons behind the departure of skilled healthcare professionals extend beyond economic factors, encompassing social, security, and professional considerations. Economic pressures have long been a driving force for migration, […]

Promise to pay Nurses and Teachers Training Allowance was a strategy to win votes as Government failed to payoff their Delayed allowances.

  In a recent development, the Ghanaian government is under scrutiny as the promised training allowances for nurses and teachers face delays, sparking discontent among the affected professionals. The delay in disbursing these allowances, which were a pivotal promise during the election campaign, has led to growing frustrations and accusations of unfulfilled commitments. Nurses and […]