Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh Voices Concern Over Electricity Costs: “I am Suffering”

In a passionate declaration of the struggles faced by ordinary citizens amid soaring electricity costs, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, prior to assuming the role of Energy Minister, made headlines with his candid remarks in 2015. The then-opposition Member of Parliament did not mince words as he highlighted the burden placed on households grappling with exorbitant […]

Freda Prempeh should stop peddling falsehoods from the pit of hell, Okudzeto Fires

Sanitation Minister, Freda Prempeh should stop peddling falsehoods from the pit of hell. There was absolutely no effort by government to evacuate the over 30,000 people affected by the VRA-induced floods. Can she tell us where they had intended to evacuate my constituents to? Is it the classrooms where they are forced to be now […]

Freda Prempeh Sparks Controversy with Unfavorable Remarks on Akosombo Dam Spillage

  In a surprising turn of events, Member of Parliament Freda Prempeh has ignited controversy by labeling the recent Akosombo Dam spillage as “unhealthy” for the nation. The comments, made during a parliamentary session, have raised eyebrows and led to concerns about the potential backlash against the government’s management of the situation. Prempeh, known for […]