best and quality

The Ruling Government developing a “See–No–Evil–Hear–No–Evil attitude”does not allow you to take money from our wards Social Commentator to Atwima Kwawoma District Director of Education


Growing up, we preferred female teachers to the male ones. This is because female were methodical, well organized with their teaching materials including well articulate presentations of their lesson plans. Female teachers scored higher pass rates of returned students. Apparently, the magic has ended abruptly. The female teachers we left the classrooms with have turned monsterous.

The rational behind this essay is because of a woman called Doris Ofori.

She is the District Director of Education in Atwima Kwanwoma District. Here are her performances at the Rural District Education in Ghana:

(1). She has turned the district education into her family business. She has created a loot and share paradise in Terminal Examinations. The DED Doris Ofori has commissioned an ambitious clandestine syndicate that charges one Ghana Cedi (GHC1.00) per child from the government schools under her jurisdiction at Atwima Kwanwoma District from kindergarten through Junior High School (KG to JHS). An accurate insider report States that Atwima Kwanwoma District commands a decent 20,000 or more student population.

(2). The Doris Ofori commission syndicate further charges extra GH20.00 fee for herself on each student taking the BECE exams picture to register Form 3 students.

(3). Teachers in the district under Doris Ofori’s jurisdiction seeking transfers are charged between GH1,500 and GH3,000 for herself.

(4). Also Doris Ofori lines her pockets with mandatory two times Mock Examination fee of GH12.00 each time for each student (that is: 12×2= GH24.00 on each student every year).


Doris Ofori has become a Demi-God under the auspices of Ghana’s Ministery of Education. Her evil clandestine activities are on a plain sigh. Yet, the ruling Government has developed a “See–No–Evil–Hear–No–Evil attitude” to expose our children to a bitter and hostile Doris environment.

All teachers who refuse to cooperate with Doris Ofori on these criminal pursuit of hers are forcefully transferred or demoted, if that teacher is a headteacher.


It is very disheartening to see a highly trained Ghanaian woman with child-bearing womb, who is supposed to help lift standards in education turns out to be a monster with horns. Doris Ofori expresses ‘can’t–touch–me” body language threatening any challenger to her open buffoonery. Doris Ofori wields power around her to motivate her continuity to do her damnest to the education of Ghanaian children.

There is a guy called Obiri Yeboah fanning her stupidity to illegally pursue her deadly agenda. Top-rated records reaching my desk tell me that, apparently, this Obiri Yeboah guy is the chairman of the Heads of Teachers Association in Atwima Kwanwoma District, a staunch NDC card-bearing member, and one time aspirant for the post of a district chief executive (DCE) at the constituency. He is aiding and abetting Doris Ofori in her money making agenda for the collection of funds. Undeniably, the NDC-man Obiri Yeboah is a potential accomplice to this heartless woman, DED Doris Ofori.

Doris Ofori’s unwavering stubborness and stupidity are continuing unabated because the ruling NPP Government aficionados have been seen floundering around her. Perhaps, Doris Ofori maybe a cash supplying donor to electing politicians, who knows?

Notably and regrettably, her twisted mood-swinging episodes imbued in her inmate emotional arrests ingrained in her inferiority complexes invested in the statutory epicenter is affecting future quality personnel. At the moment, mass teacher transfers are ongoing, which is obviously going to negatively affect and jeopardize voting decisions in the Ashanti Region. Doris Ofori is an incarnate slowly and systematically catapulted to the top of national engine of development to destroy the little that Ghana has gained in her nearly 67–years of educational excellence.


DED Doris Ofori’s Money-making syndicated functions at Atwima Kwanwoma District in operation for its fourth year has netted her a whooping tax-free US $4.5 Million and still counting off the radar in a rural hideout.

The Government is aware. Chiefs have been notified. The current NPP DCE is informed. Parents and teachers know this. Yet, nobody in Atwima Kwanwoma District, Ashanti Region, and Ghana as a whole, seem to care any less about the evil in Doris Ofori.

I urge the Government to authorize immediate investigation about these three protagonists in this article: DED Doris Ofori, chairman Obiri Yeboah, and current NPP DCE.

Please freeze their assets and bank accounts. Stop their operations and her teacher transfers agenda immediately. Let the three proceed to administrative leave to allow thorough investigations about them.

Konongo Fordjour
Atalanta, Georgia, USA


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