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Vice President Bawumia Labels Mahama as Ghana’s Worst President Economically**


In a politically charged statement that has sparked controversy and debate across the nation, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has branded former President John Dramani Mahama as Ghana’s worst president economically. The assertion, made during a recent political rally, has reignited tensions between the ruling government and the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), setting the stage for a heated exchange of opinions on Ghana’s economic trajectory.

**Backdrop of Economic Critique**

Vice President Bawumia’s scathing critique of former President Mahama’s economic stewardship comes against the backdrop of ongoing discussions regarding Ghana’s economic performance over the past decade. Since assuming office in 2017, the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has consistently highlighted what it perceives as the failures of the previous administration, particularly in the areas of fiscal management, debt accumulation, and economic growth.

**Bawumia’s Accusations**

During a political rally in the Ashanti Region, Vice President Bawumia launched a blistering attack on former President Mahama’s economic record, accusing him of presiding over a period of unprecedented economic mismanagement and stagnation. Bawumia asserted that under Mahama’s leadership, Ghana experienced skyrocketing inflation, ballooning public debt, and a decline in key economic indicators.

“John Mahama will go down in history as the worst president economically in the annals of our nation,” declared Vice President Bawumia, drawing applause from supporters. He went on to cite statistics and data to support his claims, including figures on inflation, exchange rates, and debt-to-GDP ratios during Mahama’s tenure.

**Mahama’s Response**

In response to Vice President Bawumia’s accusations, former President Mahama issued a rebuttal, dismissing the claims as politically motivated and lacking in substance. Mahama defended his administration’s economic record, highlighting achievements such as infrastructural development, social interventions, and economic diversification initiatives.

“The NPP’s obsession with blaming my administration for their own failures is becoming tiresome,” remarked Mahama during a press conference. “We inherited a challenging economic landscape characterized by global economic headwinds and commodity price shocks. Despite these challenges, we implemented policies that laid the foundation for sustained growth and development.”

Mahama also criticized the current government’s handling of the economy, pointing to rising unemployment, declining living standards, and persistent fiscal deficits as evidence of its shortcomings.

**Political Fallout and Public Reaction**

Vice President Bawumia’s characterization of Mahama as Ghana’s worst president economically has triggered a polarizing response from political commentators, analysts, and the general public. While some have applauded Bawumia for his candid assessment of Mahama’s tenure, others have accused him of engaging in partisan rhetoric and selective interpretation of economic data.

Supporters of the ruling NPP have echoed Bawumia’s sentiments, citing what they perceive as tangible improvements in the economy under President Nana Akufo-Addo’s leadership. They point to initiatives such as the Planting for Food and Jobs program, One District One Factory initiative, and Free Senior High School policy as evidence of the government’s commitment to economic transformation and social welfare.

Conversely, proponents of the opposition NDC have rallied behind Mahama, defending his economic record and attributing Ghana’s current economic challenges to external factors and policy decisions made by the incumbent government. They argue that the NPP’s narrative of economic mismanagement under Mahama is a distortion of reality aimed at scoring political points.

**Looking Ahead: Political Ramifications and Policy Implications**

As Ghana prepares for the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections, Vice President Bawumia’s characterization of Mahama’s economic stewardship is likely to feature prominently in political discourse and campaign messaging. The NPP will undoubtedly seek to leverage Bawumia’s remarks to bolster its electoral prospects and contrast its vision for economic development with that of the opposition.

Conversely, the NDC will seek to defend Mahama’s legacy and present an alternative narrative of economic progress and inclusive growth. The outcome of this ideological clash will not only shape the outcome of the elections but also influence the direction of Ghana’s economic policies and priorities in the years to come.

Amidst the political rhetoric and partisan divisions, one thing remains clear: the debate over Ghana’s economic performance under different administrations underscores the importance of evidence-based policymaking, accountability, and transparency in governance. As Ghanaians weigh their options at the ballot box, they will be tasked with choosing a path forward that prioritizes sustainable development, prosperity, and the well-being of all citizens.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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