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Your deeds will judge you in 2024 Elections, if Alan’s Departure is a blessing and unity to your party as some of your officials claim, Social Commentator writes.


In a strategic move to bolster its ranks and fortify its standing, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) finds itself in the midst of an urgent and pivotal appeal – asking Alan Kyeremanteng to reconsider his recent decision to step back from active involvement within the party. The entreaties from the NPP carry profound implications, especially with the November 4 elections approaching and the broader landscape of the 2024 general elections on the horizon.

Alan Kyeremanteng, a seasoned politician and a significant figure within the NPP, recently announced his decision to withdraw from active party activities. This decision sent shockwaves through the political circles, prompting concerns within the NPP about the potential ramifications of losing such a influential figure.

The urgency of the plea to Kyeremanteng stems from his stature within the party and his ability to draw support from a diverse range of constituencies. As a well-respected leader with a track record of public service, Kyeremanteng’s departure could create a void that the NPP is eager to fill, especially considering the critical upcoming elections.

The November 4 elections, including the Hohoe by-election, are poised to be closely contested, and the NPP is keenly aware of the impact that Kyeremanteng’s continued involvement could have on the outcomes. His sway over voters, particularly in key regions, could prove instrumental in securing victories for the party. The NPP’s plea to bring him back reflects a recognition of the challenges they may face in these imminent electoral battles without his active participation.

Looking beyond the immediate elections, the NPP is acutely aware of the significance of Kyeremanteng’s support in shaping the landscape for the 2024 general elections. His popularity and appeal could be a determining factor in the party’s ability to garner widespread support and secure victory on a national scale. The NPP leadership is likely considering the long-term implications of his departure in the context of the broader political strategies leading up to the 2024 elections.

The impact of Kyeremanteng’s potential return on the NPP’s electoral fortunes cannot be overstated. His presence could bolster party unity, inspire confidence among supporters, and strengthen the NPP’s position in a highly competitive political environment.

As the appeal to Kyeremanteng unfolds, Ghanaians are watching closely, recognizing the potential significance of his decision not just for the NPP but for the broader political landscape. The dynamics within the party and the strategic considerations for the upcoming elections will shape the outcome of this appeal, influencing the NPP’s trajectory in the crucial months and years ahead.

Article by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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