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Abronye Fires Back at A Plus: “You are thief and Your Useless Song Didn’t Bring NPP to Power”**



In a heated exchange of words, popular Ghanaian musician turned political commentator, A Plus, faced a sharp rebuke from New Patriotic Party (NPP) stalwart Abronye DC. The confrontation stemmed from A Plus’s recent commentary, where he labeled Abronye a “thief” and suggested that hunger motivated his political affiliations. Abronye DC, in a swift response, dismissed A Plus’s claims and asserted that the NPP did not come to power because of what he deemed A Plus’s “useless song.”

**The Verbal Spat Unfolds:**
The exchange began when A Plus took to social media to voice his opinions on Abronye DC, referring to him as a “thief” and insinuating that his political allegiance to the NPP was driven by personal interests. A Plus further commented that hunger was a motivator for some individuals in politics.

**Abronye DC’s Retort:**
Not one to shy away from a verbal sparring match, Abronye DC swiftly responded to A Plus’s remarks. He refuted the “thief” label, challenging A Plus to provide evidence for such accusations. Abronye DC also dismissed A Plus’s assertion that hunger was a driving force behind his political involvement.

**Useless Song Claim:**
The exchange took a notable turn when Abronye DC asserted that the NPP did not come to power because of what he characterized as A Plus’s “useless song.” This remark seemed to question the impact of A Plus’s musical and political contributions to the party’s success.

**Political Dynamics in the Spotlight:**
The verbal spat between A Plus and Abronye DC brings attention to the intricate dynamics within the NPP and highlights the divergent opinions among party members. The exchange underscores the passionate and sometimes combative nature of political discourse in Ghana.

**Implications for Intraparty Relations:**
The public nature of this confrontation raises questions about the potential impact on intraparty relations within the NPP. Such public disagreements among prominent figures may contribute to divisions or could be perceived as reflective of broader internal tensions.

**Social Media Reaction:**
As with many high-profile spats, social media became the battleground for supporters and critics alike. The exchange sparked a flurry of reactions, with users expressing a range of opinions on the confrontation between A Plus and Abronye DC.

The verbal exchange between A Plus and Abronye DC brings to the forefront the complexities and tensions within Ghana’s political landscape, particularly within the NPP. As the nation observes how these exchanges unfold, it prompts broader reflections on the state of political discourse and intraparty dynamics in the lead-up to future elections.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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