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Warning from Within: Koku Anyidoho Urges NPP to Acknowledge Impact of Owusu-Bempah’s Attacks on Despite Media**


In an unusual twist, Samuel Koku Anyidoho, a former Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has issued a warning to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) regarding the actions of its Deputy Communications Director, Ernest Owusu-Bempah. Anyidoho, known for his frank commentary, expressed concerns that the relentless and, in his words, “senseless attacks” on Despite Media by Owusu-Bempah could have severe consequences for the ruling party if not addressed.

**The Accusations and Attacks:**
Ernest Owusu-Bempah, in his capacity as the Deputy Communications Director of the NPP, has been noted for his strong-worded criticisms and accusations directed at Despite Media, a prominent media organization in Ghana. His remarks, which have been characterized by some as divisive and inflammatory, have drawn attention to the nature of the party’s engagement with the media.

**Koku Anyidoho’s Warning:**
In a statement released today, Koku Anyidoho urged the NPP leadership to carefully assess the impact of Owusu-Bempah’s actions. He noted that the Deputy Communications Director’s attacks on Despite Media were not only unwarranted but also posed a risk to the party’s standing with the media outlet, which has a considerable influence on public opinion.

**The Potential Fallout:**
Anyidoho emphasized that underestimating the damage caused by such attacks could lead to consequences in the upcoming elections. The warning hinted at a potential erosion of the NPP’s support base, especially if relations with influential media houses sour due to these controversies.

**Calls for Reevaluation:**
The statement by Koku Anyidoho is a call for introspection within the NPP, urging the party to reevaluate its communication strategy and the impact of its representatives’ statements on media relations. Anyidoho suggested that a failure to address the issue could result in a loss of power for the NPP.

**NPP’s Response:**
As of now, the NPP has not issued an official response to Koku Anyidoho’s warning. It remains to be seen how the party leadership will navigate this call for self-reflection and whether it will lead to a reassessment of their communications approach.

Koku Anyidoho’s warning to the NPP underscores the delicate balance that political parties must maintain in their engagement with the media. As Ghana approaches the next electoral cycle, the interactions between political parties and media organizations will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping public perception and, consequently, the electoral outcomes. The response of the NPP to these concerns will be closely monitored in the coming weeks.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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