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Annoh-Dompreh Criticizes Alan Kyeremanteng’s Comments on Religion in Politics.


In a recent development within Ghana’s political landscape, Member of Parliament for Nsawam Adoagyiri, Frank Annoh-Dompreh, has fired back at Alan Kyeremanteng, Ghana’s Minister of Trade and Industry, over his remarks regarding religion and political relevance.

The controversy sparked when Alan Kyeremanteng made a statement suggesting the importance of having a Christian president in Ghana’s politics. This assertion drew criticism from various quarters, with Annoh-Dompreh being one of the vocal dissenters.

Annoh-Dompreh, in his response, dismissed Kyeremanteng’s comments as outdated and irrelevant to the dynamics of modern Ghanaian politics. He emphasized the need for political leaders to focus on inclusive governance that respects the diversity of religious beliefs within the nation.

Speaking to reporters, Annoh-Dompreh highlighted the constitutional principles of secularism and the separation of religion and state as fundamental pillars of Ghana’s democratic system. He emphasized that religious affiliation should not be a criterion for political leadership, but rather merit, competence, and commitment to serving the interests of all citizens.

The exchange between Annoh-Dompreh and Kyeremanteng has ignited a broader debate within Ghanaian political circles, with many calling for a more progressive and inclusive approach to governance that transcends religious boundaries.

As Ghana prepares for its next election cycle, the discussion around religion in politics is likely to remain a contentious issue, with politicians and citizens alike grappling with the balance between personal beliefs and public service.

Stay tuned for further developments as the discourse on religion and politics continues to unfold in Ghana’s vibrant democracy.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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